Waste treatment for refuse derived fuel

Secon AFI provides a new approach to USW recycling, focused on Refused Derived Fuel.
Using our innovative Active Hyginization system, it is possible to extract more than 90% of the organic fractions contained in Urban Solid Waste. By doing so, heating power of Urban Waste increases dramatically, so it is more valuable as fuel.

Our solution is intended to be combined with recycling plants that sell the organic fraction as fuel. It can be adapted to mechanical-biological process based plants, reducing the discharge of these facilities from 60% to 10%, while eliminating bad odours and reducing maintenance costs.

These are the main characteristics of the waste after treatment:

  • Does not produce any bad odour and the volume can be reduced up to 80%. It contains no pathogens or liquids.
  • All packaging from coolants, aerosols and tinned foods come out completely clean.
  • Plastic takes on a more compact shape depending on the composition.
  • The glass obtained is clean: label, cork and adhesive-free.
  • Materials come out in bulk, disaggregated and with no plastic sack or cardboard packaging.
  • All biodegradable fractions are combined into a single biomass fraction with fibrous appearance and the ideal grain size for handling.
  • Carton beverage packaging (Tetra-brik) is disintegrated along with the plastic, aluminium and fibre fractions.


We'll provide your alternative fuel solution
